Sunday, February 24, 2008

oh so happy

There are so many things tha you do to make me happy. I can't count them, so I'll give a prime example. I worked today; when I came home, the house was clean (even Bella's room). You told me about all the fun you guys had together and all the things you did. I was pleasantly surprised by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs cd you bought because you knew I was obsessed with the song. Our bed was made, something I love but you don't quite get. And you bought us Cadbury eggs that we have to wait to eat after dinner because you made a deal with Bella. Oh how I love you and appreciate everything you do. This is perfect!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Morning Person

Recently I realized that I am such a morning person. Parts of me still have nightowl tendencies, but nothing does it for me like mornings. This was taken in my backyard while enjoying my morning coffee and Kool... such a dirty habit. I like waking up when it's cold and the house being quiet. It's nice to open the windows and take this time to do nothing but relax and really take in the morning. My favorite time to wake up if I can is about 5:45. It's still kinda dark but very much refreshing. I must be old.

Rock Band. I Think I Need Rehab.

Such a horrible addiction. I love it! So I am Riley the lead singer of Case of the Mondays. It was such a splurge but totally worth it. Chris and I rock out together. We play so much it may be sad to some, but we're so hooked.