Monday, September 3, 2007


Not to be cocky, but all of my life I have always been told how smart I was and how I could do anything. As the social aspect of school started flirting with the academics my attendance and grades were truly affected. My grades have never had an issue as far as the curriculum of the course, just my attendance and all around effort. I almost didn't graduate, but not because of the hardships of school, but because of not doing what was required to be signed out. There I was, a senior with a surplus of fifty credits and almost not graduating.
I have always believed that it wasn't necessary to be "smart" but dedicated. I still believe it. With that said, I have decided to go back to school. I had always thought about putting Bella into private school, but it wasn't until her grandma was serious and said that she wants to pay off her bills so she could pay Bella's tuition for private school. This was decided because the intelligence that she possesses is something we are very proud of and wouldn't want to let go to waste. This made me start thinking about all of the things that I can do but am not. So tonight as soon as we got home, I applied to the local community college and started applying for student loans.
In my mind I am already thinking, there is no clock to beat. I have responsibilities and need to work and pay bills. But I would like to get my foot in the door and start doing something. So for now hopefully I can take general education online and go maybe twice a week and like on Saturdays to school. I just have to focus. This is something I want and know I can do. I am not saying that it will be easy, but I will try and dedicate myself to all these things.
So, here is my perfect scenerio. Wake up early. Coffee, cigarettes, and whatever reading is required. Work hopefully not much more than part time. Time with baby... even if just for an hour or so, but it will be her hour only. Then school, whether it be at home or having to attend a class. Do homework. Chris and I will have the last hours together. It sounds crazy and I am sure that it will be, but I would love to give it all that I have.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

This cutie of mine...

She's the coolest. She does so much. She's so incredibly smart and too darn cute. My uncle frankie asks her about her"iced tea".... She responds"actually it's green tea".... What a cutie. As i started embroidering.... I played around with her name. She was so happy and proud. When i started a new one, she looked at the hoop and screams..."ugh! Where's my name?! Where's my name?! Put it back! Put IT back!! Where's my name? IsA-BELLA b-e-e-t! Where's my name?!" It was so hilarious! So while planning on doing one for my niece, she saw the orange I was working on (hers was green) she was so excited... "orange. yay! my name in orange." So I had to do it. The next day she looks at it and says " ccuuuute my name." UGH! This child has completed me in ways I couldn't have dreamt about. She makes me so happy and sssoooooo proud.


Nothing special.... But started experimenting with embroidery. This is for my niece. Had tons of fun. Really addicting. It has always been something I have wanted to do. One day I had decided I am going to give it a try. So far only worked with the backstitch. Can't wait to try more. I have done my daughter's name twice.