Sunday, October 21, 2007

Really gotta get on the ball!!!

So much is going on lately. So much will be going on for a while. Where to start?

I SOOO have been slacking on church. I really am disappointed because I have plans made for the next two weeks. And it has been a whole month since I have gone. I really am super bummed. I need to get back in check with a good schedule. And going to church is so important. It means so much to me that I feel horrible for not going. I need to get my daughter baptized. It is a must.
Okay. Bills! I need to get on the ball with all of my bills. I feel so horrible that Chris has bad credit. I really don't like that those stupid medical bills will be on his credit for 7 LAME! But when I think about it, it could be worse. But I am not excusing the lack of financial responsibility, just not gonna let it ruin my life like the people make it seem. Get on the ball, pay them off, SAVE money. I am excited that Chris has gotten on point with me as far as saving. We know that we can do it! So, hopefully by 2008, we will have money saved up and his debt paid off. I am gonna get on track as far as paying off my credit cards. I am excited to become more resourceful with what we have. I have always thought that was a good standard to live by, but in this sense we see a goal just in reach. It's so ecouraging.
Okay today is October 23, 2007... it's the holiday season kick off. Lots of gifts to make. Lots of deadlines in all areas. First off, there is a lot of things I want done for Christmas by Thanksgiving. For example, Christmas is too late for scarves and beanies as gifts. It will have been cold for some time by then. So, in my mind having those items delivered by Thanksgiving will be nice. Got lots to do. BIG family. I'm looking at about thirty beanies. I tell myself that one a day will give me time. But, it sounds like a lot because it is. But really only six or so will NEED to be done by Thanksgiving. Make that twelve!
In addition, I AM OFFICIALLY PLANNING MY WEDDING. I am looking forward to all of my personal touches. I officially start getting my hands dirty in a week. My maid of honor, Kae Kae, will be with me at my side getting started. I plan to start mock ups of the centerpieces, favors (there will be three), and invitations. In addition, I will purchase the pattern for my dress and get starter fabric to try it out. I will also take a look at the costs of the lace for the bridal party shawls. I am so excited. And hopefully by then I will have my other bank account opened and start saving.
I want to make every minute of this season and wedding planning count with out stressing myself out. To me, planning is everything. I feel that if I make sure to use my designated time each day for this madness VERY wisely, that things will run smoothly. I am not looking for perfection, but on my wedding day and I want to feel confident that I couldn't have done things differently and that I alotted myself time to get it done.
I do realize that there is a job, home, husband, family, friends, me, and Bella to attain to as far as me being stretched out is concerned. All the planning that I need should by no means interfere with the life I live already..
Without further ado, let's get to work...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

WTF? It really has been a whole month since my last one. Things have been good. New job... it's going well, at least I think. Committed diet... six pounds lighter. Happy family. Good friends. Support from Chris. Things are good. I am grateful for a lot of things. Financially times are hard and very trying, but I'm committed and Chris is there right alongside me. It makes all the difference in the world to me.
On a completely different note, lately I have been thinking about Chris and I getting married. I hadn't even thought about planning seriously because of this whole health insurance thing. But then I decided to be an adult and get my own damn insurance, get off my mom's that I have been cushioned with and get my own. Hence, I can get married and not worry about insurance. I am very eager and anxious to get this thing going. I am very excited to announce the official planning. I can't wait to be Mrs. Olson. Can't wait to pick out my wedding song and dress and register. Very excited......