Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where Did You Learn That?

I don't know where she learns the awesome things that she does, but my daughter is a genious. Yesterday she was asking how to spell "bun". We asked "bun? Like hamburger bun?" After that she asked about lettuce and meat. When asked what she was doing, she replied "taking an order". As I watched her forming her letters, it finally hit me! I knew she knew how to write her name and mom and dad and love. but watching her form her letter T, it hit me, she knows how to write her alphabet. Not that I didn't know she could write literally a,b, and c, but up to T! I just hadn't put all the beautiful puzzle pieces together. My darling, genious Bella.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Today was amazing!

Simply said, we celebrated our 5 year anniversary today. it was amazing. we were surrounded with the best of friends and most serene environment in all of riverside county. two lovers. 5 years. 5 hours. 4 friends. One memorable day.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Just What I Needed

I woke up much too late. At 1 PM exactly. didn't sleep until 6 AM. I drove down to help Chris at his work. Didn't leave til 3 AM. Bella was with her Nana. And having the next day off allowed me to act careless. Wayne's world entertained me if I could pull away from Breaking Dawn. I woke up thismorning to find that Bella wanted to stay. So we relaxed. I read and lounged about in robe til I time ran out. It was incredible I told Chris that I felt like it used to feel when we first started dating. We relaxed and cuddled and flirted and play fought. We ate Philly's Best and stopped at a park so I could take pictures of a treer for my homework. When I picked up Bella. She was cuter than ever. She had a frilly pink skirt that reminded me of a ballerina. She colored and sang to yeah yeah yeahs and played Cake Mania. Her wit and intelligence is nothing short of entertaining and unspeakably impressive. I could watch her all day and be mesmerized each second that passed. She fell asleep and I finished the Breaking Dawn. I feel so incredibly relaxed and grateful for this day. Nothing particularly special, but blessedin every way. If I could only get to sleep so i could prepare myself for my work day.... ewww