Friday, May 23, 2008

A Tear to My Eye

We have a bedtime schedule. Sometimes we stray from it, but it's definitely our routine. It's bathtime after dinner. This is always followed by 2 books of reading (more recently one book of reading and her reading me each page from Mother Goose). After the two books I state that it's lights out time. She doesn't hesitate or resist. Then we lay in the bed and say our prayers. Prayers start with the sign of the cross. I say think about your day and thank God for all of the wonderful things that have happened guiding her to touch bases on family and people's kindness. We move into a very general "please bless all" and we pray for those with no family, food, place to live, people to love them, and the sick. Then I say I"ll do my prayers which is wen she turns around and cuddles me tight while I say the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. Sfter I say these we ask God to bless us, our family, and everyone through the night and pray for a wonderful day tomorrow. It ends with "In Jesus's name we pray. Amen." Tonight I said "Our Father....(she cont'd) who art in heaven.... and for the first half of the prayer she knew which lines followed what I lead with. There is this indescribable feeling that sinks in my entire core and I can't do anything, the pride and amazement paralyze me. She didn't enunciate the words, but that makes absolutely no difference, she knows her Our Father. There are may times when I feel like there is so much more I can do or she learns bad habits from me or she learns new cool things all over the place that leave everyone saying "aww... where'd you learn that". The fact that I stuck to our routine and said prayers with her every night, even if just that, has seen a wonderful result... I've taught my daughter the Our Father. I feel so satisfied and thankful. Thank you God.

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