Monday, July 28, 2008

An Unfortunate Reality

I'm not concerned with any scandal that may be involved in the tragic death of Heath Ledger. Whether it was his role as the Joker that caused him to overdose on pills, or if it was Mary-Kate's apartment, or whether they had a thing, or whether he had a drug problem. All I know is.... my Elvis died. I'm an adult with lots to worry about and a full normal life to live. But what happens to the boy crazy girliness that somehow at the age of 11 makes you think that one day you will grow up and marry this beautiful seemingly perfect man on screen. What about the giddiness of seeing their picture in a magazine or watching their movie over and over or hoping to catch them on late night shows or 3:00 programs like Ellen or Oprah or once upon a time Rosie? When you've grown up and forgotten all about those foolish dreams of marrying that long haired Aussie on that movie, do you handle his death like an adult? Was your admiration for them ever really mature and sensible? When I found out Heath Ledger died, I felt like I was that 12 year old girl writing "I *heart* Heath" on my school supplies. It was like someone taking those impossible dreams you had stored away to keep forever and telling you that they were never going to happen. With that mentality everything's blissful, but the tragedy of knowing that your one celebrity love is dead makes me want to lie in a bed and cry and tell my mom I don't want to eat dinner, because I'm too depressed; it's that silly sadneses It's such a far off land. But how should it feel when you are reminded of your childhood dreams because an unfortunate reality has shattered them?

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