Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Why All the Anger?

Pics 408, originally uploaded by janellequinata.

I stumbled upon this blog on myspace. It's called God is imaginery. It makes me sad, but more than that, perplexed. What causes these people to be so angry and go out of their way to condemn what another person believes. Why, why are these people so passionate about hurting other people? I don't understand the purpose of sending out negativity? I believe in a lot of things that other people don't, vice versa. But is it even humane to attack other people, if one feels different than another, could it ever be just that? Why? And, to be honest, I know none of these people. (Maybe one, but that one is waaay out there). So, I wonder, could people be so angry when it comes to religion, but generally kind people and enjoyable to be around. Well, I do know one person, but this particular person wouldn't be an objective example seeing as how she enjoys being incredibly impossible to stomach. *Exhale*. Good Chi, good chi. I hope that even if it's not God or some faith that eases these people's anger, may they find the peace that they may be seeking.
I just wish that everyone could get along and be harmonious. But when will that day come? Will the day come when we love eachother and all want a united happiness? Will we ever stop attacking eachother for what they believe in, or what they wear, or their flaws, or their strengths? Will we ever overcome the blemishes of mankind?

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