Monday, August 4, 2008

Best Birthday Yet!!!

DSCF1121, originally uploaded by janellequinata.

So sometimes there is all this chaos that takes place right before the parties I always plan to run so smoothly. The stress normally doesn't ease as the party begins and all the planning should come to an end and the fun should start. But this time it did surely did. This party was a lot smaller, although still about 40 in total. The food was easier, although you could choose hamburgers, hot dogs, or fried chicken. It didn't seem as hot throughout the party. I know Bella enjoyed herself. She played with the water and even did a little "Nobody's Perfect" in the beginning. She participated in the pinata and opened her gifts and said thank you in the mic. I actually got to take a lot of pics, entertain, and play. I even got wet! Well, literally soaked. And Bella told me yesterday that she had so much fun and thanked me! Of course the theme is Hannah Montana. Equipped with her fabulous music, decorations, pinata, cake, and party favors. Not to mention the gifts were pretty damn Hannah themselves.
There's no way possible that I would have been able to do this without so much help. Thanks to my parents and siblingsfor funding and preparing the food, drinks, and party equipment, but most of all the support and orgaznization to make this successful. Thanks Mia for the slip n slide and crazy ol noodle gun things that instigated so many water fights, oh and for her fabulous bathing suit. Thanks Nick for getting that thing for the hose and the oh so memorable pool. Thanks to Melanie for the ice, ADORABLE cupcakes, ice cream, and the never disappointing cake which is just too cute. Thanks Kat for helping me get this house together and for the drinks and definitely the Starbucks as well (needed that to start off a day like this one).
For every single person who came to celebrate my princess's birthday, it means so much. It's so wonderful to have people there who want to be a part of this and that it means something to them as this one means everything to me. Her gifts were absolutely fantastic. She loves each of them. She has already worn lots of the clothes and played with much of her toys and dec'd out her room with all of her gifts. We truly are grateful. Thanks so mcuh for attending and taking the time to get her a gift.

* Showin all those kids in the pool who was boss. If you attended, you know!
*Opening Bella's really cool presents that I can NOT wait for her to use.
*Singing Happy Birthday to Bella, although it's necessary, it's still very dear to me.
*Neeko breaking open the pinata and realizing that with kids, no matter how much they are told to stay back when candy falls from the pinata, they run just as fast.
*I enjoyed actually getting to play with the kids.
*I enjoyed the food. I always enjoy food.
* Later in the night the adults got on the slip n slide and in the pool. SOO fun.
*I actually enjoyed the party and didn't stress, just had fun.

Thank you all for everything. Bella, Hannah, Lily, or whatever you call yourself these days, Happy 3rd Birthday baby! You deserve the best!

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