Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Photographer Maybe?

This girl makes me more proud than I thought up until each day is possible. This sassy and skinny child learns things and concepts so efficiently and applies each new piece of knowledge into each entertaining day. She's truly amazing. I let her use my camera once. Instead of scolding her for touching it, I showed her how to hold and take a picture. She loves taking pictures. Whether it's on my phone or with my actual camera, she is constantly taking pictures. She asked one day how to see what she took. I pointed to the play button for her to press. Now with each pic she takes she shows the person how their picture came out! Myy phone is a little different, but she had asked once and I showed her which button saves the picture she took. Now she handles it like a pro. Constantly she's impressing me with the things she learns and her tact in wowwing me is truly ingenious. I'm a quite proud and entertained mom indeed!

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