Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Multimedia message

Coming soon to those i know. The picture isn't perfect... But we're happy and it's done. Such a relief.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Is Coming...

Gonna start christmas shopping... Can't wait!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

What happened? Right now I am frustrated, eager, happy, tired, inspired, restless, and in all sorts ALL at the same time. With so much going on, I need to get on the ball. I say that all the time, but I plan to get this all settled so I can enjoy this season. I really need a breather. I really need a break. But I am not sure if I can get it through because the thought of being able to be a step closer to all that needs to be done. EXHALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Her Father's Daughter

My daughter is so cute! This is her on her little potty playing the ds. So her father's daughter.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Really gotta get on the ball!!!

So much is going on lately. So much will be going on for a while. Where to start?

I SOOO have been slacking on church. I really am disappointed because I have plans made for the next two weeks. And it has been a whole month since I have gone. I really am super bummed. I need to get back in check with a good schedule. And going to church is so important. It means so much to me that I feel horrible for not going. I need to get my daughter baptized. It is a must.
Okay. Bills! I need to get on the ball with all of my bills. I feel so horrible that Chris has bad credit. I really don't like that those stupid medical bills will be on his credit for 7 years...so LAME! But when I think about it, it could be worse. But I am not excusing the lack of financial responsibility, just not gonna let it ruin my life like the people make it seem. Get on the ball, pay them off, SAVE money. I am excited that Chris has gotten on point with me as far as saving. We know that we can do it! So, hopefully by 2008, we will have money saved up and his debt paid off. I am gonna get on track as far as paying off my credit cards. I am excited to become more resourceful with what we have. I have always thought that was a good standard to live by, but in this sense we see a goal just in reach. It's so ecouraging.
Okay today is October 23, 2007... it's the holiday season kick off. Lots of gifts to make. Lots of deadlines in all areas. First off, there is a lot of things I want done for Christmas by Thanksgiving. For example, Christmas is too late for scarves and beanies as gifts. It will have been cold for some time by then. So, in my mind having those items delivered by Thanksgiving will be nice. Got lots to do. BIG family. I'm looking at about thirty beanies. I tell myself that one a day will give me time. But, it sounds like a lot because it is. But really only six or so will NEED to be done by Thanksgiving. Make that twelve!
In addition, I AM OFFICIALLY PLANNING MY WEDDING. I am looking forward to all of my personal touches. I officially start getting my hands dirty in a week. My maid of honor, Kae Kae, will be with me at my side getting started. I plan to start mock ups of the centerpieces, favors (there will be three), and invitations. In addition, I will purchase the pattern for my dress and get starter fabric to try it out. I will also take a look at the costs of the lace for the bridal party shawls. I am so excited. And hopefully by then I will have my other bank account opened and start saving.
I want to make every minute of this season and wedding planning count with out stressing myself out. To me, planning is everything. I feel that if I make sure to use my designated time each day for this madness VERY wisely, that things will run smoothly. I am not looking for perfection, but on my wedding day and I want to feel confident that I couldn't have done things differently and that I alotted myself time to get it done.
I do realize that there is a job, home, husband, family, friends, me, and Bella to attain to as far as me being stretched out is concerned. All the planning that I need should by no means interfere with the life I live already..
Without further ado, let's get to work...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

WTF? It really has been a whole month since my last one. Things have been good. New job... it's going well, at least I think. Committed diet... six pounds lighter. Happy family. Good friends. Support from Chris. Things are good. I am grateful for a lot of things. Financially times are hard and very trying, but I'm committed and Chris is there right alongside me. It makes all the difference in the world to me.
On a completely different note, lately I have been thinking about Chris and I getting married. I hadn't even thought about planning seriously because of this whole health insurance thing. But then I decided to be an adult and get my own damn insurance, get off my mom's that I have been cushioned with and get my own. Hence, I can get married and not worry about insurance. I am very eager and anxious to get this thing going. I am very excited to announce the official planning. I can't wait to be Mrs. Olson. Can't wait to pick out my wedding song and dress and register. Very excited......

Monday, September 3, 2007


Not to be cocky, but all of my life I have always been told how smart I was and how I could do anything. As the social aspect of school started flirting with the academics my attendance and grades were truly affected. My grades have never had an issue as far as the curriculum of the course, just my attendance and all around effort. I almost didn't graduate, but not because of the hardships of school, but because of not doing what was required to be signed out. There I was, a senior with a surplus of fifty credits and almost not graduating.
I have always believed that it wasn't necessary to be "smart" but dedicated. I still believe it. With that said, I have decided to go back to school. I had always thought about putting Bella into private school, but it wasn't until her grandma was serious and said that she wants to pay off her bills so she could pay Bella's tuition for private school. This was decided because the intelligence that she possesses is something we are very proud of and wouldn't want to let go to waste. This made me start thinking about all of the things that I can do but am not. So tonight as soon as we got home, I applied to the local community college and started applying for student loans.
In my mind I am already thinking, there is no clock to beat. I have responsibilities and need to work and pay bills. But I would like to get my foot in the door and start doing something. So for now hopefully I can take general education online and go maybe twice a week and like on Saturdays to school. I just have to focus. This is something I want and know I can do. I am not saying that it will be easy, but I will try and dedicate myself to all these things.
So, here is my perfect scenerio. Wake up early. Coffee, cigarettes, and whatever reading is required. Work hopefully not much more than part time. Time with baby... even if just for an hour or so, but it will be her hour only. Then school, whether it be at home or having to attend a class. Do homework. Chris and I will have the last hours together. It sounds crazy and I am sure that it will be, but I would love to give it all that I have.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

This cutie of mine...

She's the coolest. She does so much. She's so incredibly smart and too darn cute. My uncle frankie asks her about her"iced tea".... She responds"actually it's green tea".... What a cutie. As i started embroidering.... I played around with her name. She was so happy and proud. When i started a new one, she looked at the hoop and screams..."ugh! Where's my name?! Where's my name?! Put it back! Put IT back!! Where's my name? IsA-BELLA b-e-e-t! Where's my name?!" It was so hilarious! So while planning on doing one for my niece, she saw the orange I was working on (hers was green) she was so excited... "orange. yay! my name in orange." So I had to do it. The next day she looks at it and says " ccuuuute my name." UGH! This child has completed me in ways I couldn't have dreamt about. She makes me so happy and sssoooooo proud.


Nothing special.... But started experimenting with embroidery. This is for my niece. Had tons of fun. Really addicting. It has always been something I have wanted to do. One day I had decided I am going to give it a try. So far only worked with the backstitch. Can't wait to try more. I have done my daughter's name twice.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I hope that things will get better. I hope that it will all even out. I hope that there will be some sort of routine. I am not too crazy about change. I want a period of tranquility. I wanna be able to do the things I enjoy and not feel that this time is being taken from my daughter, chris, my home, my family, work. I'll figure out the secret to it's success soon.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Yay! NEE

Here is my beautiful sister, Venisia. She has just completed her schooling at Everest College for massage therapy. We are so excited for her. I just took these pictures yesterday. She looks so pretty. She doesn't wear make up and I was so excited to be able to do hers for the photo. So proud of her.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Too Adorable

Isabella grace... You are just too darn cute! What else can i say?

Monday, August 6, 2007

My Little Diva

She really does think she's so fabulous! She's such a girly girl. Loves make up (she's always running away with my make up bag), nail polish, purses, and sunglasses too. If there is chapstick on her lips you have to kiss her on the cheek. She hangs around a lot of girls. I adore it and it makes each moment so funny. This little girl of mine is something else. I am so glad to have her.

It's Been a While

Wow, not like anyone reads this, but I can't believe that it has been over a month since I last blogged. With computer issues and picture issues.... alas here I am. Will post much later (that's what I should call this blog). But wanted to drop off pictures and little tidbits.

Bella turned 2! We had a huge party.

My grandma is sick in the hospital. Been 8 yrs since we last saw her. It's good to see family.

My Nana's brother came out and I got to meet him. He's the sweetest!

Hmmm... is that really all I got? Oh well!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Crocheted Plumerias?

These are the plumeria-ish flowers i crocheted for mia's graduation. They eventually had flat clay beads that said mia 07.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I am so happy that I get to post. I have been dyin to get back to my blog. I have been dyin to do things for me, but hey, I know I will and I think that I actually have. Mia's graduation was a week ago. I am so proud of her. I thought that I would cry, but getting people in the pictures and coordinating shots really kills the whole ambiance and the moment passed. It was great! We screamed so loud for her and everyone knew it. Then we went to go eat dinner. Hometown here we come. The bill was like 264! There were a lot of people. Lots more pictures. Lots of food and lots of love. Lots of jokes and name calling and of course way too much chatter. It was great to have everyone there.

Friday. Work in the morning. Eat Wasabi. Had tempura green tea ice cream for the first time in like 5 years. MMMMM.. Ran some errands. Took Mia shopping. Went home. Set up. Rolled Lumpia (story of my life).

Day of Party: wake up. Get ready. Clean up. Take Mia to get her 8x10 developed. It looked beautiful. Went to get her outfit. Go home. Continue to clean up. Make party favors. Make board for people to sign. Get camera ready. Freak out about clogged sink.

Party: The food was wonderful. The DJ was great. Alot of dancing and picture taking. We were so excited that everyone came together and had a great time. The pictures prove it!

Next Day: Neeko's 12th birthday. First work all day. Kat dropped off food. Went home for about 10 min. Two cigarettes. Went to go buy cigarettes...witnessed beer run...kids suck these days. Castle park. Castle park was fun. I love taking pictures of my family having a good time. Then.... Dennys. Love eating! Obviously.

The past week was a lot of relaxing and tv and crocheting...but alas still no laundry. LOL!

Lot of stress this past week with the brown spots on the yard and the sprinklers and the landlord and the computer's pop ups... and as always financial problems have reared it's ugly head. But things will be okay....

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Will it ever stop?

Okay, so my birthday, moving, mother's day, father's day and baby shower gifts, and work displays have come and gone in just one month. But now there is the craziness of my sister's graduation and brother's birthday in just one week. Party favors, candy leis, cleaning and setting up (party's at my place). It is so much later than I wanna be up, let alone I need to wake up tomorrow and get materials and make candy leis, run a couple of errands, and be at work before 11. Then I get off work at three. From there, I have to do my sister's make-up. Finish any leis that I can for an hour. Then the ceremony. AGhhh!! But I think that I am handling the stress and pressure and ticking clock alot better than before. It's all gonna work out great and I am so excited for her to be graduating.
But after this, Ryan's party and gift, then Alora, then the baby... then Nee.... oh and she graduates too.
I'm going to bed.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Top Ten Celebrity Men...

Well I decided to do a top ten for my celebrity male crushes... it will be interesting and each day I will reveal one more person. Today. Number ten... John Corbett. Watching him as Aidan on Sex and the City really threw me in. Fell in LOVE!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Finally... Pictures!

Finally... I have a new camera and pictures on the computer. I opened a shutterfly account. So excited! I have a Fujifilm sd700. I love it. I love that it doesnt't go into my purse. It's my new baby. So much has been going on so far. Really enjoying and using up this day off. Today I am gonna take Mia's cap and gown pictures. Kinda nervous because this is the first time I will be using a background. Hope it works out well. I think I need to stop by my work and grab a spotlight. No fun. But we'll see. I love my new camera. And I have taken tons of pictures. Lots of the lil princess diva, we went to a club, Courtney's graduation, Samiyah's birthday. I opened my very own shutterfly account. Love being able to post pictures. Love it!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

This Should Have TONS of Pictures

I am extremely bummed to say that I am without a camera. Yesterday we had a kick back to celebrate my birthday and there were tons of pictures. I mean all my good friends were there and people I hadn't seen in a while. Such cute good shots, wonderful party moments. Things that I wanted to remember. Memories that I know we would enjoy. But, alas, someone has taken my wonderful camera including my pictures. I am sad about it. I think it was these two girls that we didn't know and nobody cared for either. But, they deny having it and there's no way to get it back. UGHH!!!
The party was fun; my only regret is that it was, like I said, all my friends. So I had to entertain all these people, but I hung around my cousin, her boyfriend, my old friend Erica, and her boyfriend. They were the only people who didn't know anyone else. Everyone else could get into groups. I must say that I feel bad if anyone was bored. It was like a reunion for friends to act like it was still high school again. And I hope that no one hated it that bad. I enjoyed it, up until the case of the missing camera came up. I'm always such a worried hostess. But I started to freak out a bit because of the incredible mess. This morning when we cleaned up, it wasn't that bad. I must say that all the help was incredible, but my sister, Venisia, was the driving force. She did more work than I did.
I didn't end up going to the baby shower that I had requested this day off for since like 6 weeks. No gas, no money, no ride from a friend who super bailed and never answered her phone. But, it gave me some time to work on the diaper bag due for this baby shower (with an IOU for delivery this week). My goal is for the bag to be done tonight and the wipe holder and changing mat tomorrow. Once that is done, Father's Day display and then no more deadlines that I don't impose on myself.
Well, got tons to do before I go down for the count... only one more episode of Sex and the City... I swear!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

21!!!!!! whooohooo!!!!

So yesterday I celebrated my 21st birthday. I can't believe I am 21. Not a drinker, but I did ring in this legal age with 2 Mai Tais, a ton of Kool Super Longs, and an ass kicking game of Spades. I slept around 5 a.m. and awoke at a disappointing 11:00. But waking me up was the slight pounding of the reality that "yeah... I rang in the big 2-1 like all the other cool kids. I was very happy to see a clean house... nothing does it for me like a clean house. I took a shower and Chris and I were off to Barnes and Nobles. A venti macchiato, chicken foccachia (<----sp?), and a chocolate chip scone sounded like a good breakfast (the cigarette came after the normal browse of magazines and craft books). I just can't see myself spending the 30 bucks on a book that I am not completely in love with. It seems that the cute stuff is sitting across the page of the super outdated stuff. Yeah, not gonna buy it. Sometimes that's how magazines are too. I did see one book.. It's a possibility. It is a french style sewing book with tons of cute retro indie looking work. But with so much going on this week I just didn't need another distraction from the tons of I had to do. After that we picked up our little one from my mom's so my sister could finish with my cake. The three of us headed back home. I went into my clean room, layed on my made bed and watched Sex and the City. From there we went back to my mom's. Thank God for DVR! We got to watch CSI. And House season finale... both are huge to me. We ate a great dinner. And Mia baked this incredible cake. I almost died when I tried the frosting... so yum!!!!WHITE CHOCOLATE! We finally rounded up everyone together and took a family picture... Kat we know you're in Vegas... that's your own fault....JK! We love and miss you. When we came home I sewed and finished up some stuff that needed to be done. Of course this was done to Sex and the City. Man, when I'm obsessed... I'm all in.

It's wierd because I know that I am having my party on Saturday and that it's a big milestone because I am now able to buy alcohol, but it is a bummer to welcome the day after your birthday. It's like although I wasn't freaking out on the day... the next day is a super bummer. Almost a year ago I tried this wine... it was so good. So today, I bought it. It was a great birthday. P.S. The yard looked fabulous when I walked out.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Sex and the City

I have always liked the whole New York scene. Everything about it is really interesting to me and "the City" seems so unique. I am a southern cali kind of person so New York is really interesting. Aww Bella just came and laid her head on my lap as I am typing and she is watching Barney and says to me "I love you Mama." This child is everything to me. Hmm... where were we? Oh Sex and the City. So I am a huge "Friends" fan and "King of Queens". But anyway I was never interested in this show until I happened to watch an episode while waiting for "Friends". It seemed interesting, and yeah although they have tons of random sex and even more random sex partners, something about this show caught my eye. It's like I just enjoyed watching this funny chick flick five nights a week. So now I rent the seasons and watch them when I should be sleeping. I really like the show and I think Carrie Bradshaw is such an adorable character. I like the way their friendship works even though they are all different. It's my new thing.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

New Ramblings.

So I hate posting without pictures. Seems boring without them, but I can't find my cord to upload pictures anyway. I really need to scrapbook more and take more pictures. It's like I become so busy doing one thing that I completely forgot about the others that I can do as well. Chris got me a book for my birthday. It is called Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff. It is very interesting. Actually it's right on the money. It's ecxactly what I need in this time of business. I want to do so much but there are so many plans and so little time... hence .. my new book. It's helping already. I do need to take things slower and calmer and realize that it's not the end of the world if everything is not perfect. I am so excited... I just got photo paper and a sd card reader. So I will be able to show more pictures and do more with it. I need to document life... but remember to enjoy it every single second... exhale

Friday, May 25, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End

So I went to the 8:00 showing of Pirates 3. I really wanted Spiderman 3 to remain the #1 opening movie of all time, but I am sure this beat it. My critique? It was cool and I liked it, but in no way did I feel as pleased and enjoyed as I did when I left the second one. And why do they make Keira Knightly such a hoe in these movies?? It was a B maybe B-.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

So Little Time

Okay there is so much to do today. For someone who only works part time I sure don't have much time. A house with two yong men a toddler and crafter... always messy. ALLways cleaning and picking up to do. Plans with family. Chaperoning the siblings. Dropping off the baby... my car...(I won't even go there). Alright.. take out trash, dishes, put away ironing board, shower, get dressed, fight with Bella to get her dressed, get mom food, switch cars, drop off Bella with her Grandma, get both kids from two different schools, go see Shrek 3. All within 1hour and 45 min. READY SET GO!!!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

A New Blog.

I created a new blog for a couple of reasons. First off, I think that my previous ID was cute for me but I would like to expand what it accesses. That leads me into the second reason... I really want to open up my etsy shop. I know it may be pretty cliche or whatever. I really just want people to know about the things that I take pride in and what I can do with simple things. It is what I enjoy... making things and putting a spin on things... maybe even looking at them differently. I am very eager. I am also very excited because I got a lot accomplished today. I am trying to build up my shop with a variety of different things and want a pretty good amount for my "premiere" LoL! I am finally comfortable with the work I do and am not embarrassed to tell people about it. I have 4 lanyards, one make up clutch, three crochet bracelets, two beanies and another day off tomorrow! Well, the two beanies were made prior. I wanted "beautiful soul" or "simple soul" but they were both taken.... which is ok because I really like "This Simple Soul".